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Med Tech Solutions Broadens EHR Support Expertise

Alexis Roberts & MacKenzie Gonnelly

August 27, 2024

As a leading managed cloud and IT services provider, Med Tech Solutions continuously drives healthcare market growth. Recently — to address the unique needs of all healthcare organizations — MTS has focused on improving client services by broadening its EHR support offerings.

Serving thousands of healthcare practices nationwide, MTS has expanded its capabilities into the acute care market by enhancing its Epic, Oracle Cerner, and MEDITECH expertise. This expansion strategy — now delivering support to these new EHR systems in both the acute and ambulatory space — ensures a comprehensive approach to supporting diverse healthcare facility audiences. Extended services range from long-term support, temporary support, or specific project support, delivering customizable solutions for long-term EHR system success.

Some expanded Epic, Oracle Cerner, and MEDITECH support offerings include, but are not limited to:

  1. Service Desk – With multi-tiered support, service desk solutions can encompass desktop and technical, EHR, patient portal support and beyond, providing true issue resolution to elevate the end-user experience.
  2. Application Management – For continuous system alignment, support resources span the entire EHR system lifecycle and ancillary applications — ranging from daily maintenance, troubleshooting and ticket resolution, to upgrade support.
  3. Legacy Support – Maintain patient care and business office processes during a system transition with daily support, vendor coordination, and monthly maintenance for retiring systems and applications.
  4. Go-live Support – Successfully lead EHR implementations and new version upgrades with go-live call command center support, meeting the on-demand scale and expertise needs for fluctuating live event ticket and call volumes. Also maximize new system adoption and user satisfaction with go-live at-the-elbow support, ensuring satisfied knowledgeable users for long-term EHR system ROI.

With its recent portfolio expansion, MTS strengthens strategic IT and consulting experience, a robust team of EHR-certified consultants, and a well-rounded portfolio of effective HIT solutions tailored for multiple EHR platforms, elevating MTS’ position as a leader in healthcare across the country.

In its continued growth, in addition to secure Cloud Hosting, IT services, and Security & Compliance framework, MTS enhances healthcare organizations and empowers providers through EHR optimization and interoperability services, supporting providers through their full EHR system lifecycle.

To learn more about the diverse healthcare facilities we serve, visit our Healthcare Clients overview.