There has been significant change in the Healthcare space over the past few years. The most significant impact has come out of the government and payer space. There are many Quality Programs that are driving much of the change in the industry. These programs will have a direct impact on your reimbursement so knowing the details of the program is critical to your bottom line.
Early planning for quality programs will assist you in performing at your best. The majority of these programs are looking for quality performance along with utilizing your Electronic Health Record. System and workflow changes will most likely be required to perform well. Our team of clinical consultants work directly beside our quality program experts to assist you with the best results possible. We will assist you in understanding the important pieces of the whatever Quality Program you are participating in.
Our team not only understands the program requirements but we will also work with you to implement those requirements into your systems and workflows. Our clinical consultants know the program details.
Participating in a Quality Program and capturing the data is only half the battle. In order to get credit for the program you will most likely have to submit the data in a specified format. Our team of database experts know how to get data out of your system in a format that meets your submission requirements.
Our team strives to fill in the gaps between your practice and the many moving pieces in the current Healthcare reform market. Our goal is to see you succeed and to not only avoid negative impact to your reimbursements but to leverage incentive programs to increase your reimbursements.