Implementing a new system often time requires a great deal of time from everyone. It can be difficult to find time to focus on the new product while completing your necessary daily tasks. Many times, software vendors also require a great deal of effort be put forth by the practice to setup or customize the system to meet your needs. Our focus during an implementation is to help you not only with resources but also to provide support to customize the system as needed.
The planning of your implementation project can be challenging. We will assist you with all phases on planning and help you to build a system that meets your business needs.
It is often difficult to build a system and develop workflows if you are just learning the system. Our expert consultants will build it for you while mentoring your current staff.
Providing adequate support is crucial to the providers and staff success. Our consultants will provide hands on support to your entire practice.
The Electronic Health Record is a major part of everyone’s daily workflow. Your business and the system will evolve. Having a process for optimization will allow you to get the most out of the technology that you worked so hard to install.